Home > Children's Programmes > Whirligig > Joy Laurey
Joy Laurey
Puppet Maker and Puppeteer
with Mr Turnip
At the end of the war, Joy continued entertaining with puppets, although concentrating the focus on children's entertainment, performing regularly at such venues as the Lord Mayor's Children's Party held at the Mansion House London, appearing with the Laurey Puppet Company regularly for summer seasons at seaside resorts, and representing Britain in puppet festivals in countries such as Rumania.
After the success of Mr Turnip and
"Whirligig" Joy Laurey was commissioned to make
a puppet character called Twizzle for A.P. films
produced by Gerry Anderson. Joy not only
made all the puppet characters for the 52 films that were
produced, but operated them with the assistance of Murray
Clark. "The Adventures of Twizzle"
films were shown on I.T.V. during the late 50's and
early 60's, and also appeared in childrens annuals as did
Mr Turnip and his friends.
All the Whirligig television programmes starring Mr Turnip were broadcast live, so the Mr Turnip puppet had more strings than a conventional puppet in order to facilitate a wider range of movements including eye movements etc. The controls were, as Joy would call them, an aeroplane hand control, meaning that the control for the puppet looked very much like a aeroplane shape, the bar that went across the main handle was detachable and connected to Mr Turnip's arms and hands enabling a wide range of movements, and the shorter bar at the end of the control worked Mr Turnips legs and feet.
There were two Twizzle puppets, one for the main shots walking about, sitting down etc and the other Twizzle puppet was the one with the extendable arms and legs, that was used for the action shots. The method for making the arms and legs extend was based on curtain rings in the puppet's arms and legs which when pulled made the limbs extend. The above information and photographs supplied by Joy's daughter, Julie Joy Laurey died on 2nd June 2014 aged 90
years. The Joy Laurey Archive |
If you have any comments or further information of interest, please e-mail mr-turnip@whirligig-tv.co.uk