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Vintage BBC...

I remember all of the radio shows mentioned by Naidia Woolf, especially the ones during wartime. (Incidentally, my aunt was from Birmingham…..).

I remember sitting up in bed with my Dad, listening to Monday Night at Eight and, in my mind, I can still hear the signature song. 

We lived in Kingston, Surrey and my Mum was a part-time manager at the Rialto cinema in Raynes Park. Many were the air raids that we endured then.

In the immediate post-war years there were other popular radio programs - we liked the Charlie Chester Show. One of my favorites was Dick Barton, Special Agent. Max Miller “the cheeky chappy” would appear at our local variety theatre; he was famous for his “suggestive” jokes.

I used to tune in to Radio Luxembourg too. And, becoming bored with BBC fare, late at night I would tune in to AFN (American Forces Network) on short wave which, I believe, was broadcast from Berchtesgaden, Germany. A favorite program was “The Make Believe Ballroom” which played up-to-date music from the USA….

It all seems like a different lifetime on another planet now!

Ivan Snell

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